Elise and Richard had been living in Ocean County for 16 years before Sandy substantially damaged their home. Suddenly, they were massively overwhelmed by paperwork and incredibly stressed about elevating their house. Luckily, one of our Disaster Case Managers helped them navigate the grant application process, provided them with accurate, current information and was with them every step of the way. “Our DCM served as a mediator between us when information overload has caused us to sometimes hear different things from the same meeting,” says, Richard. “She knew all the right questions and advised us on the appeal process for RREM.” OCLTRG was able to obtain rental assistance for Elise and Richard and offered financial assistance where needed.
Call us at (732) 569-3484 | Email us at info@OceanCountyLTRG.org
Elise and Richard
Elise and Richard
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