OCLTRG's "We Take Care Of Our Own"
Adopt-A-Family Program
“We Take Care of Our Own” written and published by Bruce Springsteen (Global Music Rights). Use of this song title in the program does not constitute or imply any endorsement by Bruce Springsteen.
Upcoming Events:

Join us on October 28th in Seaside Park as we work with Ocean First Bank to commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Superstorm Sandy! Ocean First Bank has challenged the resilient people of the Jersey Shore to set a Guinness World Record for making simultaneous Sand Angels, and at the same time raise money to continue Sandy recovery and support the relief and recovery efforts for those affected by Harvey and Irma.
You need to register if you want to make a Sand Angel, but all are welcome to this fun street fair event. Click here for more details and to register & donate. Click here to view or download printable versions of this flyer.
Support Hurricane Relief Today!
NASH FM 94.7 and the Autoland family are joining forces with (An OCLTRG Initiative) to assist with relief for those affected by recent hurricanes.
Thank you NASH FM 94.7 and Autoland for your generosity in highlighting this critical need and for providing your listeners with a pathway to help!
Click on the picture above to go to NASH FM’s web site OR click here to go directly to our “Give Help” page where you can read more about the OCLTRG’s Initiative and where you can donate to help those in need.

Click here for more information about Ocean County’s Community Organizations Active in Disaster
OCLTRG’s ”We Take Care of Our Own” Adopt-A-Family Program
For three and a half years, hundreds of non-profit organizations have partnered to assist their neighbors to recover from Superstorm Sandy. The OCLTRG is now the last long term recovery group in operation on the Jersey Shore. Our “Adopt-a-Family” program allows us to expand our services throughout New Jersey and personalize those services to meet the plight of individuals and families who continue to fight to get back home. Like the Katrina recovery, it will take years to rebuild the Jersey shore, and many of those displaced will not be returned to where they were prior to Sandy. We have drawn inspiration from Bruce Springsteen’s music and we continue to rise up to his challenge in “We Take Care of Our Own,” but we need your help. It’s been a long road so far, and we still have a lot to do. However, we are steadfast in our resolve to get as many people, as possible, back in their homes. No retreat… No surrender!

Children and Families
Meghan is a single mother struggling to support her family while simultaneously rebuilding her home and complying with all RREM requirements. Her ex-husband took all the FEMA and flood insurance money for himself, without making any repairs to the home. Currently, Meghan is working with a non-profit builder and is intent on increasing her employment hours to cover the cost of the rebuild. She spends her days attending to her family’s emotional needs, applying for financial assistance and working as much as possible. In spite of all of her efforts, Meghan still needs $3,000 that will go toward rental assistance and gas gift cards. The cards will reduce travel expenses incurred from being displaced for the last several years.
30% of our clients have children! Donate today so we can continue to help people like Meghan and click here to read more stories about Children and Families in our Adopt-A-Family program!

Senior Citizens
Our 83-year-old client was just about to complete her rebuild when inspectors discovered rotted beams under the home. Despite already completing the entire elevation contract, this dangerous issue had to be immediately rectified. The process cost her an additional $23,000 in repairs, which was well over her RREM budget. She is now $13,814.12 away from returning home.

Simply put, Robert is the kind of man who takes care of others. As a young man, he joined the United States Marine Corps in order to serve his country. Now at retirement age, he and his wife Marie are at the heart of the family living in this multigenerational household. Two adult children and a grandchild live in the home. And caring for his ailing father and aunt often seems like a full-time job. Trying to rebuild their home has, at times, felt impossible, BUT Robert has not given up. So many are relying on him to pull the family through this disaster. If sheer will and love for his family could rebuild his house, Robert would have been done as soon as he started. But after gathering every possible resource, Robert still finds his family $25,000 short to complete the needed work.
Please consider helping Robert, who only ever thinks of ways to help others. Click here to donate today. And click here to read more stories about veterans in our Adopt-A-Family program.

People with disabilities
Despite being over 70, our client “Sandra” is doing everything humanly possible to return home…including spackling, painting and completing other minor repairs herself. Her home, which flooded during Sandy and Jonas, is nearing the end of the elevation process but her husband Bob’s health has deteriorated rapidly. Due to a disability, he won’t able to climb the new stairs to get into his elevated home and so he needs a vertical platform lift to enter his own home. Without the $21,000 needed to add the lift, Sandra and Bob will not be able to return home together.
32% of households we assist have an individual with a disability. Donate today so we can continue to help families like Sandra’s and click here to read more about people with disabilities in our Adopt-A-Family Program.

Contractor Fraud
Our client, “Amanda” has had not one but two fraudulent contractors in the last four years. Their deceit cheated her out of nearly $60,000 and the delay in her recovery has cost her $107,660.00 in rent. Currently, she’s working with a non-profit builder who will help her obtain a C/O so she can return home and save the rental expense. In order to complete her recovery, Amanda needs $5,800 to afford rent and furniture.
Donate today so we can continue helping people like Amanda and click here to read more stories about contractor fraud in our Adopt-A-Family Program

Frank and Carla were required to elevate their property but, due to disabilities, both are finding it extremely difficult to access their home. Frank sustained injuries during his career as an Atlantic City Police Officer and Army Veteran while his wife, Carla, is beginning to lose her sight. They just had their final inspection and are no longer part of the RREM program but still require a wheelchair lift. This lift, which costs $22,000, is necessary for Frank and Carla to remain functionally independent.
23% of households we assist have at least one veteran. Donate today so we can continue assisting veterans like Frank and his family. Click here to read more stories about veterans in our Adopt-A-Family program.
Please donate so we can continue helping families like these!
Click here to see how you can contribute.