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28 Jun 2016


13221112_659061414243384_7307381661853467722_nThe widow of a veteran and her wheel chair bound adult son came to OCLTRG when they realized the structural integrity of their home and bulkhead were compromised during Superstorm Sandy. They feared the water the bulkhead kept at bay would cause even more damage if it were not immediately repaired.

OCLTRG was able to raise 40,000 dollars, through the Adopt-A-Family program, to keep the home safe from further damage. This enabled them to begin the rebuilding process but also raised a new challenge.   They could not reside in the house during construction. Thankfully, the OCLTRG was able to procure funds for two “long-stay hotel rooms” that were best suited for the specific needs of mother and son. “It brings me tears of joy to work with such incredible people,” says her son. “Thank you.”

Donate today so we can continue to help people like Rick and his mother!

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